Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Place your bets!

Should you be in a betting mood, take a squiz at this: a gambling website in the USA is running odds on which celebrity will be next to come out of the closet!

Apparently the odds on favourite is Vin Diesel at 4 - 1.

Next up is Keanu Reeves at 5-1.

And then Oprah Winfrey at 6-1.

Jake Gyllenhaal is also on the list, among others. Without wanting to be accused of obsessing over the sexualities of celebrities, of muckraking, or wanting to out people (it's all in fun, ok?) who do YOU think will come out first?

Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets!


Risperdal Constatine I said...
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richardwatts said...

No idea - that's your decision. And hi.

Clem said...

I think Jake will say he's bi. As for others, hmm... Has Heather Matarazzo come out or am I imagining it?

richardwatts said...

Clem: Good call. These odds are, I suspect, predisposed to reinforcing the old cultural binary of either/or. The notion of bisexuality adds a whole new factor the equation!

Michael: I always assume everyone is queer to some degree or another unless informed otherwise. And to answer your second question: no idea, I'm sorry. My psychic powers are a little clouded this week. ;-)

Risperdal Constatine I said...
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richardwatts said...

Actually, that piece was written to exploit the freaked-outness of some of Hank's more uber-macho fans when the rumours of his sexuality were first going around. I don't actually find him attractive. Each to their own though, I guess.

richardwatts said...

First he posts, then he deletes his posts. How odd.